Unit VIII The Worlds of
Work and Play
Find below resources helpful for Unit VIII
lessons. More
resources may be found online in the Louisiana
Folklife Bibliography.
- Allamel, Frederic. 1999. Houma
Indian Arts: A Triptych (Ivy Billiot, Cyrip Billiot, Marie Dean. Exhibit Catalog. 1999.
- Bain, Bev. Using Whole Language
Strategies, Cooperative Learning, and Flexible Groupings to Strengthen
Reading and Writing Instruction: Resource Handbook. Washington State
Bureau of Education and Research, 1989.
- Blake, Clifford. "Cornbread for Your
Husband and Biscuits for Your Man: Mr. Clifford Blake, Sr., Calls the
Cotton Press." Louisiana Folklife Recordings, 1980, LP 0001, available
from the Louisiana Folklife Center.
- Blank, Les. Always for Pleasure.
Flower Films, 1978. Portraits of New Orleans' street celebrations include second-line parades, Mardi Gras, and jazz funerals. 58 minutes.
Bush, Charles and Pat Mire. Anything I Catch: The Handfishing Story. 1990. The film examines the regional phenomenon of Cajuns who wade in murky bayou waters to catch huge catfish and turtles by reaching into hollow logs and stumps with their bare hands. Stream free at folkstreams. 30 minutes.
Castille, Conni and Allison Bohl. I Always Do My Collars First: A Film About Ironing. Cinematic Arts Workshop, 2007. 24 min. This artful look at what is often ignored as a mundane chore follows four women in French Louisiana demonstrating how the simple ritual of ironing weaves its way throughout the fabric of family life and their sense of identity.
- Country Music Association. Words and Music Teachers Guide. CMA, 2009. The online guide provides practical songwriting lessons.
- Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana. Red Shoe's
People: A History of the Sovereign Nation of the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana, 1992. Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana, Elton, LA.
- DiSalvo-Ryan, DyAnne. City
Green. William Morrow, 1994. A girl works with neighbors to create a
community garden. Grades K-4.
- Green, Archie. Only a Miner.
University of Illinois Press, 1972. A classic occupational folklore text
that teachers and older students would find useful.
- Gregory, H. F., and Donald W. Hatley,
eds. 1992. Splittin' on the Grain: North Louisiana Crafts
Alexandria, LA Museum of Art.
- Gundaker, Grey, ed. Keep Your Head
to the Sky: Interpreting African American Home Ground. University
Press of Virginia, 1998. Teacher resource.
- Kniffen, Fred, H. F. Gregory, and
George A. Stokes. The Historic Indian Tribes of Louisiana: From 1542
to the Present. LSU, 1987.
- Langley, Linda, Susan Lejeune, and
Claude Oubre, eds. Folklife Series. LSU at Eunice. Each issue features a
Coushatta tradition bearer. Les Raconteurs: Treasure Lore and
More, Vol. 1, 1995; Les Artistes: Crafters Tell Their Tales.
Vol. 2, 1996; Les Reveil des Fetes: Revitalized Celebrations and
Performance Traditions, Vol. 3, 1997; Les Vieux Temps: Recreation
and Family Traditions in Southwest Louisiana Vol. 4, 1998.
- Lawrence, Jacob. The Great
Migration: An American Story. Harper Trophy, 1995. Over 60 of
Lawrence's paintings illustrate African Americans' journey from the
South to find work in the big cities of the North beginning in 1916,
grades 3-8.
- Lester, Julius. John Henry. Dial
Books, 1994. Jerry Pinkney illustrated this retelling of the African
American folk hero's life for elementary students.
- Levine, Lawrence. Black Culture and
Black Consciousness: Afro-American Folk Thought from Slavery to
Freedom. Oxford University Press, 1977. A historian employs folklore
to analyze African American history and thought in this vital, highly
readable teacher resource, which analyzes many genres, including work
- Medford, Claude, Jr., H. F. Gregory,
and Don Sepulvado. The Old Ways Live: The Claude Medford, Jr.
Collection. Northwestern Louisiana State University, Williamson
Museum, 1990.
- Mire, Pat. Dance for a Chicken: The
Cajun Mardi Gras. Pat Mire, 1993. A Cajun filmmaker gives an inside look at rural Cajun Mardi Gras. Every year before Lent begins, processions of masked and costumed revelers, often on horseback, go from house to house gathering ingredients for communal gumbos in communities across rural southwest Louisiana. Stream free at folkstreams. 56 minutes.
Moore, Patricia, "Growing Up
Southern: An Interdisciplinary Project Exploring Family Stories Based
on Selected Works of Art by Benny Andrews," Art Education, Vol.
52, no. 1, January 1999, pp. 25-31, available from National Art
Education Association. Includes color reproductions
of Andrews' paintings of people at work in the South.
Morris, Oradel Nolen. I Hear the
Song of the Houmas/J'Entends La Chanson Des Houmas. Paupieres
Publishing Co., Houma, LA, 1992.
- Roach, Susan, ed. On My Way: The
Arts of Sarah Albritton. Louisiana Tech University, 1998. This
book full of color prints features writing by the artist and scholars
and was published in conjunction with a major exhibit of her work. The
artist chronicles each painting in her own words. Available from University Press
of Mississippi.
- Snyder, Luella and Steve Knudsen.
Of Sugar Cane and Syrup. Perspective Film, 1977. A 15-minute
documentary focusing on the Stribling family as they make sugar cane
for their own use. Available for loan through the State Library of
- Terkel, Studs. Hard Times: An Oral
History of the Great Depression. Pantheon reissue, 1986. Older
students may appreciate reading of joblessness and hard times.
- Terkel, Studs. Working. New
Press reissue, 1997. A classic collection of people's conversations
about work for older students.
- Westmacott, Richard.
African-American Gardens and Yards in the Rural South.
University of Tennessee Press, 1992. Teacher resource.
- Wilson, Charles Reagan and William
Ferris, eds. Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. University of
North Carolina Press, 1989. Includes concise essays on all aspects of
the South. Available in many public libraries, 1,656 pages.
Unit VIII Outline