Unit V Oral Traditions: Swapping Stories
Find resources helpful for Unit V lessons
below. More resources may be found online in Louisiana Folklife Bibliography.
- Abrahams, Roger D. Deep Down in the
Jungle, Aldine Publishing, 1970. A good teacher source for studying
the folk hero Shine and other vernacular African American oral
- Alvarez, Louis and Andrew Kolker.
Yeah, You Rite! Center for New American Media, 1984. Video.
Presents a linguistic tour of New Orleans dialects in various parts of
the city and discusses the social function of language and the cultural
ramifications of the differences.
- Ancelet, Barry Jean. Cajun and
Creole Folktales: The French Oral Tradition of South Louisiana.
Garland Publishing, 1994. The largest, most diverse collection of
Louisiana folktales ever published, this book includes the original tale
in Cajun French or Creole and an English translation.
- Ancelet, Barry Jean. "Talking Pascal in
Mamou: A Study in Folkloric Competence." Journal of the Folklore
Institute. Vol. 17, 1980, pp. 1-24.
- Armistead, Samuel G. Spanish
Décimas from St. Bernard Parish, LFC C-088, recording of
Irvan Perez singing décimas and notes available from the Louisiana
Folklife Center.
- Aarne, Antti and Stith Thompson. The
Types of the Folktale. 2nd ed., Indiana University Press, 1995. A
follow-up to Thompson's encyclopedic Motif Index of Folk
Literature, which classifies the world's traditional oral and
written stories into an easily understood system of narrative elements
or motifs.
- Blatt, Gloria T., ed. Once Upon a
Folktale: Capturing the Folklore Process with Children. Teachers
College Press, 1993. Twelve authors share their use of folklore in
elementary and middle school classrooms. Includes suggestions for
drawing on students' family and community folklore and explores the
darker side of some folklore such as inherent racism and nationalism.
- Encyclopedia of Folklore and Literature. ABC-CLIO, 1998. This is a compendium of authors, concepts, motifs, characters, themes, works, and movements associated with folklore and literature from around the world.
- Brunvand, Jan Harold. The Vanishing
Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meaning. Norton, 1981.
This, the first of several popular collections by Brunvand, explores how
the bizarre and fantastic elements that once entered our lives through
tales and ballads live on in urban legends.
- Brunvand, Jan Harold, ed. The Truth
Never Stands in the Way of a Good Story. University of Illinois
Press, 1999.
- Burrison, John. Storytellers:
Folktales and Legends from the South. University of Georgia Press,
1991. Like Swapping Stories, this book offers a broad array of
contemporary folktale genres, mostly from Georgia.
- Cantú, Norma. Canícula: Snapshots of
a Girlhood en la Frontera. UNM Press, 1995. A folklorist and
English professor, the author uses family photos as starting points for
writing family stories and personal experience
- Clayton, Lawrence A., et al. De Soto
Chronicles: The Expedition of Hernando de Soto to North America in
1539-1543, 2 Vols., University of Alabama Press, 1993. Resource for
European and American perspectives on encounters with Louisiana
- Cooper, Patsy. When Stories Come to
School: Telling, Writing and Performing Stories in the Early Childhood
Classroom. Teachers and Writers Collaborative, 1993. Early childhood
teacher resource for encouraging children to tell and perform their own
- de Caro, Frank. Folklife in
Louisiana Photography: Images of Tradition. LSU Press, 1991. Survey
of the relationship between documentary photography and folklife in
Louisiana from the last half of the 19th century to the present.
- Dickinson, Samuel Dorris, New
Travels in North America by Jean-Bernard Bossu, 1770- 1771.
Northwestern State University Press, 1982.
Dobie, J. Frank. The Ben Lilly
Legend, Little Brown, 1950.
- Doucet, Sharon Arms. Why Lapin's
Ears Are Long and Other Tales from the Louisiana Bayou. Orchard
Books, 1997. David Catrow illustrated this lively adaptation of
Compère Lapin tales. The Cajun and Creole variant on the
trickster Brer Rabbit
- Duggleby, John. Story Painter: The
Life of Jacob Lawrence. Illustrated with the paintings of Jacob
Lawrence. Chronicle, 1998, grades 4-8. Stories of 20th century
African American experiences, from the Harlem Renaissance to civil
rights rallies, are presented through Lawrence's
- Flores, Dan L., ed. Jefferson &
Southwestern Exploration: The Freeman & Custis Accounts of the Red
River Expedition of 1806. University of Oklahoma Press,
American Folklore, Legends, and Tall Tales for Readers Theatre. ABC-CLIO, 2008, grades 4-8.
- Hamilton, Virginia. A Ring of
Tricksters: Animal Tales from North America, the West Indies, and
Africa. Blue Sky, grades K-4. Eleven trickster tales
eloquently retold and garnished with luminous and humorous
- Hamilton, Virginia. Her Stories:
African American Folktales, Fairy Tales, and True Tales. Scholastic,
1995. A wide array of heroines illustrate family heroes, historical
legends, tall tales, fairy tales, why stories.
- Hamilton, Virginia. The People Could
Fly: American Black Folktales. Random, 1987. Retellings include Brer
Rabbit and John the slave trickster.
- Holloway, Joseph E., ed. Africanisms
in American Culture. Indiana University Press, 1990. "Introduction:
The Origins of African American Culture," by Holloway, pp. ix-18;
"African Elements in African American English," by Molefi Kete Asante,
pp. 19-33; and "Africanisms and the Study of Folklore," by Beverly
Robinson, pp. 211-224.
- Hunter, Clementine and Mary Lyons.
Talking With Tebe: Clementine Hunter, Memory Artist. Houghton
Mifflin, 1998, grades 4-8. As much about folklife of a Creole
community in northwest Louisiana as about painting, Lyons acts as
editor, quoting extensively from taped interviews and articles so that
the artist speaks in her own voice.
- Hurston, Zora Neale. Mules and
Men. Harper Collins, 1990. This collection is from the African
American folklorist's 1929 fieldwork in Florida and Louisiana,
- Jones, Bessie and Bess Lomax Hawes.
Step It Down. Harper & Row, 1972. Collection of African
American children's folklore for teachers and K-8.
- Klipple, May A. African Folk-Tales
with Foreign Analogues. Garland Publishing, 1991.
- Kolker, Andy and Louis Alverez. El
Mosco y el Agua Alta (Mosquitos and High Water). Center for New
Media, 1983. This video looks at the history and culture of the Canary
Islands descendants of St. Bernard Parish, particularly on the role of
Isleño décimas in the community. Spanish with subtitles.
Available from Center for New American Media, PO Box 53163, New
Orleans, LA 70153.
- Lester, Julius. John Henry. Dial
Books, 1994. Jerry Pinkney illustrated this retelling of the African
American folk hero's life.
- Levine, Lawrence. Black Culture and
Black Consciousness: Afro-American Folk Thought from Slavery to
Freedom. Oxford University Press, 1977. A historian employs folklore
to analyze African American history and thought in this vital, highly
readable teacher resource, which analyzes many types of oral
- Lindahl, Carl, Maida Owens, and C.
Renée Harvison, eds. Swapping Stories: Folktales from Louisiana.
University Press of Mississippi in association with Louisiana Division
of the Arts, 1997. A video (see Owens, Maida, below) and
website are also available. Some stories are online.
- Moore, Elizabeth. Louisiana Indian
Tales, 1990. Collection of old and new legends about the Louisiana
Indians, including "The City of the Sun" and "The Waters of Life."
- Moore, Patricia, "Growing Up Southern:
An Interdisciplinary Project Exploring Family Stories Based on Selected
Works of Art by Benny Andrews," Art Education, Vol. 52, no. 1,
January 1999, pp. 25-31, available from National Art Education
- Morris, Oradel Nolen.
I Hear the Song of the Houmas/J'Entends La Chanson Des Houmas.
Paupieres Publishing Co., Houma, LA, 1992.
- Owens, Maida and Pat Mire. Swapping Stories:
Folktales from Louisiana. Louisiana
Public Broadcasting, 1998. Companion 30-minute video to the publication.
Available from LPB.
- Riquelmy, Christina, ed. Documenting
Selected Louisiana Ethnic Groups: A Theme Issue of LLA Bulletin.
1994, Vol. 57, no. 1.
- Roach, Susan. The Arts of Sarah
Albritton. Louisiana Tech University, 1998, available from
University Press of Mississippi. Her dramatic paintings illustrate the life story of a
remarkable North Louisiana folk artist.
Seal, Graham. Encyclopedia of Folk Heroes. ABC-CLIO, 2001.
- Simons, Elizabeth. Student Worlds,
Student Words: Teaching Writing Through Folklore. Heinemann, 1990. A
teacher and folklorist, Simons offers background and detailed lesson
plans for writing and folklore studies, including games and play, family
- Sunstein, Bonnie and Elizabeth
Chiseri-Strater. FieldWorking: Reading and Writing Research.
Prentice Hall, 2002. This teacher resource provides excellent
exercises to aid students' fieldwork, observation, and writing skills.
Good extension of Elizabeth Simons' Student Worlds, Student
- Stouff, Emile. A Chitimacha
Notebook. Lafayette Natural History Museum, 1987. Writings of the
last Chitimacha chief.
- Toelken, Barre. The Dynamics of
Folklore. Utah State University Press, 1996. A good general college
text useful for teachers and older students.
- Wigginton, Elliot. The Foxfire
Book. Doubleday, 1972. The original book, which generated many
community collection projects.
- Zeitlin, Steve, et al. A Celebration
of American Family Folklore, Pantheon, 1982. A full selection of
family stories, customs, and photos for K-12 teachers to help students
start family writing, oral history, and folklore collection projects.
Unit V Outline