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The Isleños of
St. Bernard Parish
The following notes are from
Swapping Stories Folktales from Louisiana and supplied
by Samuel G. Armistead, who also transcribed and translated all
the book's Isleño texts.
The Isleños live in
six small communities in lower St. Bernard Parish, about thirty-five
miles southeast of New Orleans: Delacroix ("The Island"),
Woods Lake, Reggio, Yscloskey, Shell Beach, and Hopedale. They
are descendants of colonists from the Canary Islands, who arrived
in Louisiana in 1778, as part of a colonization initiative supported
by the Spanish governor, Bernardo Gálvez. Traditionally,
they have been trappers, fishermen, duck hunters, shrimp trawlers,
oystermen, crabbers, and alligator hunters. The Isleños
are intensely and justifiably proud of their Hispanic heritage.
Having lived in relative isolation from the dominant French-
and English-speaking communities of Louisiana for more than two
hundred years and, at the same time, having never completely
broken their ties with the Canary Islands and with other Spanish-speaking
areas, the Isleños have kept, down to the present day,
the distinctive Louisiana-Spanish dialect that developed in their
Delta communities. Isleño Spanish has retained many of
its original Canarian characteristics, in both lexicon and phonology,
but it has also borrowed a substantial vocabulary from American
Spanish, from Cajun French, and from English, as well as from
Portuguese, by way of the numerous Portuguese loanwords in Canarian
Spanish. Isleño folklore is similarly eclectic, combining
ancestral Canarian items with others borrowed from other Hispanic
areas: Andalusia, Castile, Asturias, Catalonia, Spanish Caribbean
islands, Mexico, and the American Southwest. There are also certain
limited influences from the Cajun French song repertoire and,
more recently, even from country and western music. A distinctively
local and specifically Isleño creation are the satirical
narrative poems, known as décimas, which allude
to events in local history and to the perils and travails of
local activities. The décimas also poke fun at
the weaknesses and foibles of local individuals, but others may
re-create centuries-old themes, having their origins in the medieval
ballads (romances) of Spanish tradition. Together with
these poetic narratives, the Isleños also have a well-developed
repertoire of traditional folktales.
The décima
was originally characterized by a ten-verse stanza, embodying
a complex consonantal rhyme scheme (typically: abba-ac-cddc)
and having octosyllabic verses, but in St. Bernard Parish, while
the term décima has survived, the songs themselves
now usually consist of anisosyllabic (predominantly octosyllabic)
quatrains, with assonant rhyme in every second verse, reflecting
the influence of Spanish ballad meter and of the corrido
of Mexico, Central America, and the U.S. Southwest.
Irvan Perez, who lives in
Poydras (St. Bernard Parish), is a great singer of traditional
décimas and is the foremost authority on Isleño
language and folklore. His unflagging enthusiasm and devotion
to his ancestral heritage have contributed incalculably to the
current revival of local and international interest in Isleño
popular culture. His superb knowledge of the Isleño dialect
includes total control of an exhaustive lexicon covering every
animal, bird, reptile, fish, insect, plant, and tree native to
the local marshlands (la plería), as well as every
detail of the traditional material culture of the Isleño
community. In 1991, Irvan Perez was awarded a National Heritage
Fellowship, from the National Endowment for the Arts, in recognition
of his artistry and his dedication to maintaining the traditional
culture of the Isleño people. The four décimas
included here were sung by Irvan Perez in 1989 and can be heard
on the cassette recording, Spanish Décimas from St.
Bernard Parish, produced by the Louisiana Folklife Center,
at Northwestern State University, in Natchitoches.