Questions For Immigrant Traditional Artists
Identify someone in your community who immigrated from another country. Interview them using the questions below and ask them to sign a release form or give an oral release so that you can use the information you gather.
Name of Student Interviewer: __________________________ Date: ______________
Name of Interviewee: ________________________________________________________
Male or Female (circle) Age:____ Written Release Acquired? ____ Oral Release? ____
Personal history and relationship to place
Where were you born?
How and when did you arrive in Louisiana?
Importance of tradition, innovation
In general, why do you do what you do? Can you describe the commitment you bring to your work?
What influences your work? Is the history of your art form and your culture important to your work? How?
What role does your art form play in your community? How does this role or function influence your work?
Can you describe your artistic process? Do you work alone or with others?
Has your work changed? Is it evolving? Have you made changes in the way you practice this art form?
What materials do you use? Where are the materials found/located?
What tools and/or equipment are used?
How do you decide what you're going to make?
How long does it take to complete?
How do you know when you're finished?
What does "mastery" mean to you?
How did you learn your craft/art form?
Who taught you? Can you describe your relationship to that person?
What was your most memorable experience with your art form?
What inspires you now?
Can you describe your relationship to your community or family? Are there groups of people with whom you affiliate, or who have a common interest?