Unit IX Part 1 The Seasonal Round
Lesson 3 Folklife Around the Year and Around the State

Seasonal Events Fieldwork Checklist

Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________

Task: You are a reporter who must interview a person who knows about a seasonal event or celebration in your community. You will be assessed on your ability to complete the steps of the interview process listed below.

Directions: Make an X to show that a task was accomplished. First, use this checklist to assess your own performance. Then have a peer assess your performance. Last, your teacher will assess your performance.

Quality Features Self   Peer  Teacher
Identify someone to interview. ____    ____ ____
Collect all necessary equipment needed (cameras,
video recorders, tape recorders, or
note pads and pencils).
____    ____ ____
If working in teams, choose roles such as recorder,
photographer, interviewer, etc.
____    ____ ____
Create a project timetable. ____    ____ ____
Prepare and use permission forms. ____    ____ ____
Listen carefully to interviewees. ____    ____ ____
Take notes, make sketches, formulate and ask questions. ____    ____ ____
Record information on appropriate forms or worksheets. ____    ____ ____

Louisiana Content Standards
Analyzing historical data using primary and secondary sources. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1A-M6 Conducting research in efforts to answer historical questions. (1, 2, 3, 4)

Rubric created with "The Rubricator" software package by Strategic Learning Technologies, used with permission, <http://www.rubrics.com> 888/881-7979.


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