Unit IX The Seasonal
Round and Life Cycles Resources
Find below resources helpful for Unit IX
lessons. More
resources may be found online in the Louisiana
Folklife Bibliography.
- Ancona, George. Fiesta USA.
Lodestar Books, 1995. Introduces four Latino celebrations
in the U.S..
- Beeler, Shelby B. Throw Your Tooth
on the Roof: Tooth Traditions from Around the World. Houghton
Mifflin, 2001. Teeth may be the same around the world, but students in
lower grades will enjoy seeing what children from other countries do
when they lose a tooth.
- Bruhac, Joseph, et al. Thirteen
Moons on Turtle's Back: A Native American Year of Moons. Paper Star,
reprint, 1997. A picture book of poems based on different Native
American traditions for each of the 13 moons of the year, grades K-4.
- The Life Cycle. CARTS Newsletter, Vol 3 1999, Local Learning and City Lore. This issue plumbs the deep knowledge embedded in rites of passage and life milestones to build bridges from self to school, student to student, classroom to the world.
- Cobblestone Publishing. Faces: People, Places, and Cultures.
This magazine full of illustrations, activities, and information for
students in grades 4-9 concentrates on different cultures and cultural
practices around the world.
- Davis, Shari and Benny Ferdman.
Nourishing the Heart: A Guide to Intergenerational Arts Projects in the
Schools. City Lore, 1993. Encourages bringing senior
citizens into classrooms to engage young and old in joint ventures to
recreate their own and their communities' cultural heritage in visual
arts, theater, and writing projects, all grades.
- Doros, Arthur. Tonight Is
Carnaval. Puffin Books, 1995. Picture book illustrated with
appliquéd cloths portrays a Peruvian boy's day as he prepares for
Carnaval, the Latin American version of Mardi Gras, K-4.
- Dresser, Norine. Come as You Aren't: Feeling at Home with Multicultural Celebrations. M. Evans, 2006. Explains the "rites and wrongs" of events such as birthdays, marriages, coming of age markers, funerals, and holidays.
- Dresser, Norine. Multicultural
Celebrations. Random House, 1999. A folklorist who has written
extensively on contemporary customs, Dresser offers background and rules
of etiquette for celebrations of many cultural groups living in this
- Dresser, Norine. Multicultural
Manners for the 21st Century. John Wiley & Sons, 2005. Teachers and students can
research ways to avoid cross-cultural misunderstandings and learn
customs of various cultural groups.
- Florence, Robert. New Orleans
Cemeteries: Life in the Cities of the Dead. Batture Press, 1997. This photography book includes much of the folklore of
New Orleans cemeteries.
- Gaudet, Marcia. "Charlene Richard: Folk
Veneration Among the Cajuns," Southern Folklore, Vol. 51, no. 2,
1994, pp. 253-166.
- Gaudet, Marcia. "Christmas Bonfires in
South Louisiana: Tradition and Innovation," Southern Folklore,
Vol. 47, 1990, pp. 195-206.
- Gaudet, Marcia. "The New Orleans King
Cake in Southwest Louisiana," Mid-America Folklore, Fall 1989,
pp. 114-121.
- Gaudet, Marcia. Tales from the
Levee. Center for Louisiana Studies, University of Southwestern
Louisiana, 1984. See chapters one and two, The Calendar Year--Holiday
Tradition and Lore and Rites of Passage: Birth Courtship, Marriage,
- Gillis, Candida. The Community as
Classroom. Heinemann, 1992. Teacher resource for encouraging
students' insight into and work with elders and community.
- Hamilton, Virginia. In the
Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World. Harcourt Brace,
reprint 1991. This Newberry winner has 25 creation myths for grades 3-8
and a useful bibliography.
- Hand, Wayland D., ed. American Folk
Medicine. UCLA Press, 1976, paperback 1980. Although out of print,
libraries may have this useful resource.
- Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane and Lawrence Migdale (Illustrator). Las Posadas: A Mexican-American Christmas Celebration. Holiday House, 1999.
- Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane and Lawrence Migdale (Illustrator). Mardi Gras: A Cajun Country Celebration. Holiday House, 1995. This picture book follows young Joel Savoy of Eunice, Louisiana, through the Cajun Courir de Mardi Gras.
Intergenerational Programs. CARTS Newsletter. Local Learning and City Lore, 1999. Three excerpts describe ways to link students and elders.
- Johnson, Dinah, photographs by Richard
Samuel Roberts. All Around Town: The Photographs of Richard Samuel
Roberts. Holt, 1998. Simple text and striking photographs illustrate
the lives of African American citizens of Columbia, SC in the 1920s and
1930s. Features weddings, families, people at work and play, grades K-8.
- Kindersley, Barnabas and Anabel.
Children Just Like Me: Celebrations. DK Publishing, 1997. Vivid
color photographs detail foods, clothing, traditions, and the words of
children bring children's festivals worldwide to life. Includes a
calendar of celebrations, grades 3-8.
- Lindahl, Carl, Maida Owens, and C.
Renée Harvison, eds. Swapping Stories: Folktales from Louisiana.
Press of Mississippi and Louisiana Division of the Arts, 1997.
- Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities.
KnowLA: Encyclopedia of Louisiana, 2012. This online encyclopedia features articles, audio, images, and video about the history and culture of Louisiana. One section is Louisiana Folklife.
- Luenn, Nancy. Celebrations of Light:
A Year of Holidays Around the Year. Atheneum, 1998. Bold
illustrations and short explanations of a celebration of light for each
month, grades 4-8.
- Maestro, Betsy. The Story of Clocks
and Calendars: Marking a Millennium. Lothrop/Harper Collins, 2000.
Describes clocks and calendars of many cultures and times. Grades 4-8.
- McKissick Museum. Jubilation! African American Celebration in the Southeast: An Educator's Guide.
University of South Carolina, 1993. This online guide includes lesson plans, photos, and lists
of resources.
- Palkovich, Ann. "Exploring Historic Cemeteries,"
AnthroNotes. Vol. 20, no. 2, Winter 1998, pp. 8-12.
- Pitre, Glen, director, Good for What Ails You. Louisiana Public
Broadcasting, 1998. A 60-minute video available from LPB 7733 Perkins
Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 70810, 800/973-7246, $24.95. Explore the film's
online study guide.
- Santino, Jack. All Around the Year:
Holidays and Celebrations in American Life. University of Illinois
Press, 1994. Good teacher resource that older students can use for
research on old and new holidays, including several Louisiana
- Santino, Jack. New Old-Fashioned
Ways: Holidays and Popular Culture. University of Tennessee Press,
1996. A teacher resource examining the many ways popular commercial
culture influences traditional holidays.
- Sexton, Rocky. "A
Kinder, Gentler St. Nicholas: Transformation and Meaning in a 'Louisiana
German' Tradition." Southern Folklore. Vol. 56, no. 2,
1999, pp. 149-160. An article for teachers and older students on
Louisiana German traditions in Robert's Cove.
- Slovenz, Madeline, et al. Lion
Dancer: Ernie Wan's New Year. Scholastic reprint, 1991. Vivid color
photos follow a boy through a New York City Chinese New Year
celebration, K-5.
- Wesley, Valerie. Freedom's Gifts: A
Juneteenth Story. Simon and Schuster, 1997. The African American
tradition celebrating Juneteenth is the setting for this tale of renewed
understanding of the joy of freedom when a Northern girl visits her
Southern family, grades K-4.
- Westridge Young Writers Workshop.
Kids Explore America's African American Heritage. John Muir
Publications, reprint 1996. Kids write for other kids about
celebrations, foods, folktales, music, history, and more, grades 4-9.
- Wiggins, William. O Freedom:
Afro-American Emancipation Celebrations. University of Tennessee
Press, 1987. A scholarly collection that explores Juneteenth and other
emancipation traditions.
- Wilkinson, Philip. A Celebration of
Customs and Rituals of the World. Facts on File, 1996. A vast array
of historical and contemporary celebrations and life cycle events from
every corner written for young adults with a voice that avoids
- Wilson, Charles, et al. The
Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. UNC Press, 1989. This large,
accessible volume covers hundreds of topics, useful for older students
and teachers, available in many public libraries, 1,656 pages.
- Woods, Michael and Mary B. Ancient
Medicine: From Sorcery to Surgery. Runestone/Lerner, 2000.
Background on medical practices from the Stone Age to Ancient Rome.
Grades 5-8.
- Zeitlin, Steve, et al. A Celebration
of American Family Folklore. Pantheon Books, 1982. A full selection
of family stories, customs, and photos for K-12 teachers to help
students start family writing, oral history, and folklife projects.
Unit IX Outline