Unité VIII Leçon 1 Resources

Bain, Bev. Using Whole Language Strategies, Cooperative Learning, and Flexible 
Groupings to Strengthen Reading and Writing Instruction: Resource Handbook. Washington State Bureau of Education and Research, 1989. Order from the bureau, P.O. Box 96068, Bellevue, WA 98009, 206/453-1500.
Blake, Clifford. "Cornbread for Your Husband and Biscuits for Your Man: Mr. 
Clifford Blake, Sr., Calls the Cotton Press." Louisiana Folklife Recordings, 1980, LP 0001, available from the Louisiana Folklife Center, NSU Box 3663, Natchitoches, LA 71497, 318/357-4332.
Green, Archie. Only a Miner. University of Illinois Press, 1972. A classic 
occupational folklore text that teachers and older students would find useful.
Lawrence, Jacob. The Great Migration: An American Story. Harper Trophy, 1995. 
Over 60 of Lawrence's paintings illustrate African Americans' journey from the South to find work in the big cities of the North beginning in 1916, grades 3-8, $23.50.
Lester, Julius. John Henry. Dial Books, 1994. Jerry Pinkney illustrated this 
retelling of the African American folk hero's life for elementary students, $16.99.
Levine, Lawrence. Black Culture and Black Consciousness: Afro-American Folk 
Thought from Slavery to Freedom. Oxford University Press, 1977. A historian employs folklore to analyze African American history and thought in this vital, highly readable teacher resource, which analyzes many genres, including work songs.
Moore, Patricia, "Growing Up Southern: An Interdisciplinary Project Exploring 
Family Stories Based on Selected Works of Art by Benny Andrews," Art Education, Vol. 52, no. 1, Jan. 1999, pp. 25-31, available from National Art Education Association, 703/836-8000, $9. Includes color reproductions of Andrews' paintings of people at work in the South.
Roach, Susan, ed. On My Way: The Arts of Sarah Albritton. Louisiana Tech 
University, 1998. This book full of color prints features writing by the artist and scholars and was published in conjunction with a major exhibit of her work. The artist chronicles each painting in her own words. Available from University Press of Mississippi, 3825 Ridgewood Rd., Jackson, MS 39211, 800/737-7788, $15.
Terkel, Studs. Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression. Pantheon 
reissue, 1986. Older students may appreciate reading of joblessness and hard times, $13.
Terkel, Studs. Working. New Press reissue, 1997. A classic collection of people's 
conversations about work for older students.

pour les resources louisianaises, consultez le Louisiana Catalog, 800/375-4100, 1478 Highway 1, Larose, LA 70373, <mailto:lacatalog@mobiletel.com and Educational Associates Catalog of Louisiana Multimedia Titles, 123 Polly Lane, Lafayette, LA 70508, 800/960-222, 337/984-8951.