Unit VIII The Worlds of Work and Play
Lesson 1 On the Job

Occupational Fieldwork Research Rubric


Name of Listener/Scorer:____________________________________________________

Task: You are a folk culture researcher who has been directed to research occupational folklife in your community and present your findings in a format of your choice. You are expected to share your findings with students in your school.

You will be assessed on your ability to draw inferences about occupations from observations and interviews, categorize them according to how they were learned, interpret them, and present your findings.

Performance Element Accomplished Developing Beginning Possible Actual
  • Selects an occupational folklife genre from the community and researches it through interviews, the library, and the Internet; completes Occupational Fieldwork Checklist satisfactorily.
  • Collects information that generally fits criteria, is mostly accurate; it may or may not be sufficient to draw conclusion; does not complete Occupational Fieldwork Checklist.
  • Insufficient information is available to draw conclusion; relies upon someone else to identify factors; still uncertain about purpose of assignment.
Observing and Documenting Activities
  • Independently identifies special terms, equipment, gestures, stories, jokes, or customs that constitute occupational folklife.
  • Identifies some of the factors that influence the occupation; ideas formulated with assistance.
  • Relies upon someone else to identify occupational contextual factors; still uncertain about what to observe and document.
Interpreting and Evaluating Information
  • Uses inference skills, life experiences, prior knowledge, and information from interviews to explain the context of the job and how it was learned.
  • Bases interpretations on information most of the time; formulates most conclusions with sufficient evidence.
  • Does not interpret or evaluate information; formulates conclusions without sufficient evidence.
Disseminating Information
  • Creates a presentation or product that illustrates insight from multiple perspectives; explains the context of the occupation and how it was learned.
  • Creates a presentation or product that offers some personal insight; offers little reference to actual occupational customs.
  • Creates a presentation based primarily upon the ideas of others; offers little information about the context of the occupation and how it was learned.

Audience Feedback
The audience evaluates the student's presentation according to how clearly the student can support his/her inferences and conclusions about the cultural context of an occupation and how that occupation was learned.

Feedback Statements









Louisiana Content Standards

CL-1-D4 Identifying and describing social, geographic, and historical factors that impact cultural practices. (3,4)
ELA-7-M2 Problem solving by using reasoning skills, life experiences, accumulated knowledge, and relevant available information. (1,2,4)
ELA-1-M4 Interpreting texts with supportive explanations to generate connections to real-life situations and other texts (e.g., business, technical, scientific). (
CL-1-D7 Identifying social customs related to religion, family life, folklore, and holidays. (3,4,5)
H-1A-E2 Recognizing that people in different times and places view the world differently. (1,3,4)
H-1A-M6 Conducting research in efforts to answer historical questions. (1,2,3,4)

Rubric created with "The Rubricator" software package by Strategic Learning Technologies, used with permission, <http://www.rubrics.com> 888/881-79


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