Unit VIII The Worlds of Work and Play
Lesson 2 Home Work

Division of Labor Worksheet, Page 2

TASK 2: Look at the skills listed on the Division of Labor Worksheet, Page 1. Find out how much these skills are worth by following these steps (see example below).

1. Ask one or more of the people you interviewed to name a skill or chore and write them in Columns 1 and 2.

2. Ask them to tell how long it takes and write that amount in Column 3. Round the amounts to whole numbers.

3. Ask these people what they think the chore is worth and write that amount in Column 6.

4. Find out what the current minimum wage is and write it in every cell in Column 4.

5. Multiply the Time (Column 3) by the Minimum Wage (Column 4) to see what the work is "worth" in market terms. This product is called the Minimum Wage Value. Write the product in Column 5.

6. Compare the Minimum Wage Value with the value people place on these chores by comparing Columns 5 and 6. In column 7 write "More" or "Less" to show the results of your comparisons.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Name  Chore Time required to complete chore Current Minimum Wage Minimum Wage Value Value placed on chore by the worker


Minimum Wage Value is:

Example: Leroy Washington

Cooking gumbo dinner for 6 people

3 hours


(3X 5.35)




Technology Option: Use the calculator on the computer to multiply.

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