Lesson Objectives/Louisiana Content Standards Benchmarks, and Foundation Skills
1. Students examine their family and community traditional foodways associated with special occasions.
ELA-4-E5 Speaking and listening for a variety of audiences (e.g., classroom, real-life, workplace) and purposes (e.g., awareness, concentration, enjoyment, information, problem solving). (1, 2, 4, 5)
ELA-5-E3 Locating, gathering, and selecting information using graphic organizers, simple outlining, note taking, and summarizing to produce texts and graphics. (1, 3, 4)
H-1D-M1 Describing the contributions of people, events, movements, and ideas that have been significant in the history of Louisiana.
2. Students interview family members and other community members to collect recipes and the context or "story" of the recipes.
ELA-2-M4 Using narration, description, exposition, and persuasion to develop various modes of writing (e.g., notes, stories, poems, letters, essays, logs). (1, 4)
ELA-4-E7 Participating in a variety of roles in group discussions (e.g., active listener, contributor, discussion leader). (1, 4, 5)
ELA-5-M3 Locating, gathering, and selecting information using graphic organizers, outlining, note taking, summarizing, interviewing, and surveying to produce documented texts and graphics. (1, 3, 4)
ELA-7-M4 Distinguishing fact from opinion and probability, skimming and scanning for facts, determining cause and effect, inductive and deductive reasoning, generating inquiry, and making connections with real-life situations across texts. (1, 2, 4, 5)
3. Students research traditional Louisiana foodways, including stories, songs, articles, and videos about food.
ELA-4-E7 Participating in a variety of roles in group discussions (e.g., active listener, contributor, discussion leader). (1, 4, 5)
ELA-5-M3 Locating, gathering, and selecting information using graphic organizers, outlining, note taking, summarizing, interviewing, and surveying to produce documented texts and graphics. (1, 3, 4)
ELA-6-M2 Identifying, comparing, and responding to a variety of classic and contemporary literature from many genres (e.g., folktales, legends, myths, biography, autobiography, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, novels, drama). (1, 2, 4, 5)
4. Students organize and publish data.
ELA-2-M1 Writing a composition that clearly implies a central idea with supporting details in a logical, sequential order, (1, 4)
ELA-2-M4 Using narration, description, exposition, and persuasion to develop various modes of writing (e.g., notes, stories, poems, letters, essays, logs). (1, 4)
ELA-2-M6 Writing as a response to texts and life experiences (e.g., letters, journals, lists). (1, 2, 4)
ELA-5-M4 Using available technology to produce, revise, and publish a variety of works. (1, 3, 4)