Unit VII
Material Culture: The
Stuff of Life
Find resources helpful for Unit VII
lessons below. More resources may be found in the Louisiana
Folklife Bibliography.
- Arnow, Jan. By Southern Hands: A
Celebration of Craft Traditions in the South. Oxmoor, 1987. Features
Coushatta pinestraw baskets, Houma palmetto baskets, cornshuck bags,
Coushatta and Houma dolls, Houma model boats, Cajun accordions, wooden
boats, Mardi Gras Indian costumes, Cajun Mardi Gras masks, duck decoys,
Acadian textiles, and nets from Louisiana.
- Bienvenu, Marcelle. Who's Your Mama,
Are You Catholic, and Can You Make a Roux?: A Cajun/Creole Family Album
Cookbook. Times of Acadiana Press, Inc. 2006. Includes stories
and family photos organized by the seasons.
- Blank, Les. Yum, Yum, Yum: A Taste
of Cajun and Creole Cooking. Flower Films, 1990. Great Louisiana
cooks spin their wisdom while they demonstrate how to make (and eat)
scrumptious dishes like crab and shrimp crepes, dirty rice, frog legs,
okra étouffée with shrimp, beef tongue, goo courtbouillon, boudin, and
candied yams.
Bowman, Paddy, Betty Carter, and Alan Govenar. Masters of Traditional Arts Education Guide. Documentary Arts. 2011. The online version of the guide, which is based on the artistry of the NEA National Heritage Fellows, includes three Louisiana artists: Cajun weaver Gladys Clark, Mardi Gras Indian Tootie Montana, and master builder Earl Barthé of New Orleans.
Bush, Charles and Pat Mire. Anything I Catch: The Handfishing Story. 1990. The film examines the regional phenomenon of Cajuns who wade in murky bayou waters to catch huge catfish and turtles by reaching into hollow logs and stumps with their bare hands. Stream free at folkstreams. 30 minutes.
- Cajun Men Cook: Recipes, Stories,
and Food Experiences from Louisiana Cajun Country. Beaver Club of Louisiana, 1994. Walter S.
McIlhenny Community Cookbook Hall of Fame.
- Cane River Cuisine. Service League of Natchitoches, 1974. Walter S.
McIlhenny Community Cookbook Hall of Fame book.
- Castille, Conni and Allison Bohl. I Always Do My Collars First: A Film About Ironing. Cinematic Arts Workshop, 2007. 24 min. This artful look at what is often ignored as a mundane chore follows four women in French Louisiana demonstrating how the simple ritual of ironing weaves its way throughout the fabric of family life and their sense of identity.
- Teaching with Foodways. CARTS Newsletter. Local Learning and City Lore, 2010. Paddy Bowman and Amanda Dargan, eds. Find a variety of interdisciplinary curricular connections to foodways as well as resources and model projects.
- The Cotton Country
Collection. Junior Charity
League of Monroe, 1972. Includes both North and South Louisiana
traditional recipes.
- Deetz, James. In Small Things
Forgotten: The Archeology of Early American Life. Anchor Press,
1977. A good basic teacher resource to material culture such as house
types and gravestones.
- Edge, John T. The Southern Belly:
The Ultimate Food Lover's Companion to the South. Hill Street Press,
- Fontenot, Mary Alice. Lunch
Louisiana Style. Nutrition Education Training Program, State
Department of Education, reprinted in 1995. This handy guide went to all
libraries in the state and copies are available on request, Box 94064,
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9064. A glossary defines and gives correct
pronunciation of many Louisiana food terms, and an overview summarizes
regional foodways well. Lessons include family recipes, class tasting
parties, food story prompts, and spice smelling. A 30-minute companion
video gives historical look at various groups' contributions to
Louisiana foodways. Video is available through the Louisiana Department of Education Resource Center
Audio/Visual Lending Library, Nutrition Education and Training (NET)
- Fricker, Jonathan, Donna Fricker, and
Patricia Duncan. Louisiana Architecture: A Handbook on Styles.
Center for Louisiana Studies, University of Southwestern Louisiana,
1998. A concise survey of architectural styles from French Creole to Art
- Gaudet, Marcia. "The New Orleans King
Cake in Southwest Louisiana," Mid-America Folklore, Fall 1989,
pp. 114-121.
- Gregory, H.F., ed. Splittin on the Grain: Folk Art in Clifton,
Louisiana Alexandria (LA) Museum of Art. Find online chapters describing various folk arts traditions
- Glassie, Henry. Pattern in the
Material Folk Culture of the Eastern United States. University of
Pennsylvania Press, 1968. A classic resource on material culture from
house types to fences. Useful for teachers and older
- Govenar, Alan. Extraordinary Ordinary People: Five American Masters of Traditional Arts. Candlewick Press, 2006. This beautifully illustrated book for readers of all ages profiles NEA National Heritage Fellows who are remarkable craftspeople, including Tootie Montana, a New Orleans Mardi Gras Indian.
- Gustes, Jr., Roy F. The 100 Greatest
New Orleans Creole Recipes. Pelican Publishing, 1998.
- Gutierrez, C. Page. Cajun
Foodways. University Press of Mississippi, 1992.
- Hawkins, Nancy. Classroom
Archaeology. Louisiana Division of Archaeology, 1991. For artifact
reading, which contains archaeology activities for middle school
students. Free. See Uniquely Louisiana for this and other educational resources from the Louisiana Division of Archaeology.
- Jambalaya: A Collection of Cajun and
Creole Favorites from the Junior League of New Orleans. 1983. A Walter S. McIlhenny Community Cookbook
Hall of Fame book.
- Junior League of Baton Rouge, Inc.
River Road Recipes III: A Healthy Collection. Baton Rouge: The
Junior League of Baton Rouge, 1994. This volume includes the traditional
recipe and a more healthy version. It also includes helpful hints from
the cooks some stories about the recipes.
- Kirlin, Katherine S. and Thomas M.
Kirlin. Smithsonian Folklife Cookbook, Smithsonian Institution
Press, 1991. Find recipes from North and South Louisiana and around the
country as well.
- Kirschenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara. "An
Accessible Aesthetic: The Role of Folk Arts and the Folk Artist in the
Curriculum." New York Folklore. Winter 1983, pp. 9-18. An
accessible essay on the importance of recognizing learning in everyday
life and indigenous teachers within classrooms. View online at Local Learning: The National Network for Folk Arts In
- Kniffen, Fred. "Louisiana House Types."
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 26:179-93,
- Knipmeyer, William. "Folk Boats of
Eastern French Louisiana." In American Folklife. Ed. Don Yoder.
University of Texas Press, 1976.
- Langley, Linda, Susan Lejeune, and
Claude Oubre, ed. Les Artistes: Crafters Tell Their Tales.
Louisiana State University at Eunice. Folklife Series,
Volume 2, 1996.
- Louisiana Cookin'. A
magazine that features food traditions throughout Louisiana.
- MacDowell, Marsha and LuAnne Kozma. Folk Arts in Education: A Resource Handbook II. Michigan State University Museum, 2008. This comprehensive collection of lessons from over 50 folklife education resources includes several on material culture. Order or download at http://www.folkartsineducation.org.
- Matthews-DeNatale, Gail, et al.
"Infusing Indigenous Knowledge into Classroom Curriculum Through
Collaborative Fieldwork." 1996 Proceedings of the National
Association for Multicultural Education, pp. 181-198. Caddo Gap
Press, 1996.
- McCaffery, Kevin (prod.). A Common
Pot: Creole Cooking on Cane River. Video, 30 minutes. Filmed by Neil
- Mitcham, Howard. Creole Gumbo and
All that Jazz: New Orleans Seafood Cookbook. Pelican Publishing Co.,
- Museum of International Folk Art, Recycled, Reseen: Art from the Global
Scrapheap. 1997. A virtual exhibit based on a major exhibit
featuring folk art from around the world made from found and recycled
- National Park Service. The Vieux Carré: A Creole Neighborhood in New Orleans. This Teaching with Historic Places lesson plan includes architecture, photography, and history for grades 4-12.
- Nobles, Connie. Adventures in
Classroom Archaeology. Louisiana Division of Archaeology, 1992.
Archaeology activities for grades K-12.
- Poesch, Jesse and Barbara SoRelle
Bacot. Louisiana Buildings 1720 -1940. Baton Rouge: Louisiana
State University Press, 1997.
- Recipes and Reminiscences of New
Orleans. Parents Club of
Ursuline Academy, 1971. A Walter S. McIlhenny Community Cookbook Hall of
Fame book.
- River Road Recipes III: A Healthy
Collection. The Junior League of
Baton Rouge, 1994. This volume includes the traditional recipe from
Volumes I and II and adds a more healthy version. It also includes
helpful hints from the cooks and some stories about the recipes. A
Walter S. McIlhenny Community Cookbook Hall of Fame book.
- Roach-Lankford, Susan. Gifts from the Hills: North Central Louisiana Folk
Traditions. Ruston: Louisiana Tech Art Gallery,
- Schweid, Richard. Hot Peppers: The
Story of Cajuns and Caspicum, revised edition, University of North
Carolina Press, 1999.
- Smith, Andy, compiler. Louisiana
Proud Collection of Home Cooking. Louisiana Proud, 1991. Divides the
state into five sections and includes recipes from 276 towns with
sketches of local buildings. Louisiana Proud Collection of Sweet
Things is another collection by the same author.
- Snyder, Luella and Steve Knudsen. Of
Sugar Cane and Syrup. Perspective Film, 1977. A 15-minute
documentary focusing on the Stribling family as they make sugar cane for
their own use.
- Sunstein, Bonnie and Elizabeth
Chiseri-Strater.FieldWorking: Reading and Writing Research.
Prentice Hall, 2002. Valuable teacher resource with lessons for reading,
writing, fieldwork, and teaching students to "read" landscape and
culture. website has a community bulletin board for teachers and
opportunites to share class projects online.
- Tell Me More: A Cookbook Spiced with
Cajun Traditions and Food Memories. Junior League of Lafayette, 1993. Includes sketches by
artist Floyd Sonnier.
- Touchstone, Billie L. Redneck
Country Cooking. Everett Companies, Bossier City, Louisiana,
- Vlach, John Michael. By the Work of
Their Hands: Studies in Afro-American Folklife. University of
Virginia Press, 1991. Good teacher resource on the maintenance of
African aesthetics and traditions and African American material
- Wagler, Mark, Ruth Olson, and Anne Pryor. The Kids' Guide to Local Culture Madison Children's Museum, 2004. Available as a PDF online, this practical guide features several material culture lessons. Instantly accessible for students and their teachers.
- Walker, Alice. "Everyday Use," In
Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women. Harcourt Brace reissue,
- Wilson, Charles, et al. The
Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. UNC Press, 1989. This large,
accessible volume covers hundreds of topics, useful for older students
and teachers.
- Wilson, David and Angus Gillespie, eds.
Rooted in America: Foodlore of Popular Fruits and Vegetables.
University of Tennessee Press, 1999. The real deal on Johnny Appleseed,
two banana festivals in neighboring towns, social history of foods of
every day life. Each chapter examines a common fruit or vegetable,
various cultural norms regarding food, including Tabasco sauce. For
older students and teachers.
- WWinston, Linda. Keepsakes: Using Family Stories in Elementary Classrooms. Heinemann, 1997. Offers ways to use stories to create classroom community and involve parents.
Unit VII Outline