Unit VI Louisiana's Musical Landscape
Lesson 4 Moving to Music

Performance and Video Notetaking Worksheet

Name ____________________________________________     Date _____________

Name of Video Clip _____________________________________________________

The following questions will help you hone your observations of a dance or
movement performance or video.

  1. In this performance or video clip, who is the community or folk group participating in
    the form of folk movement or dance?


    Describe participants:




  2. What are some shared characteristics that might influence how they move?




    Are they playful? ____ Serious? ____ Inventive? ____ Traditional? ____

  3. What parts of the body move in the folk movement or gesture?



  4. Is the pace fast or slow? ________   How rigid is the structure?________

  5. Is there a set pattern of movements or are individuals allowed to invent and improvise?




  7. Are there observable generational differences among the dancers? _____________

    If so, describe._____________________________________________________


  8. Are there observable gender differences among the dancers? _________________

    If so, describe._____________________________________________________


  9. Are there partners, or do people dance individually, in groups, or in formation?



  10. Is the movement for performance, individual expression, or both?



  11. Is the performance religious or non-religious?


  12. What clothes or costumes are worn?



  13. Notice the use of space. How large is the space being used? _________________

    Do all people move over the entire space, or do they stay in a small space?


    How close are the people to each other?_________________________________

    To the musicians or music source?_____________________________________

    What do non-dancers do?____________________________________________

  14. Is there music or rhythmic accompaniment to the movement? _________________

    If yes, is the music on tape, or are there live musicians? _____________________

  15. Are there religious commonalities or differences that influence the dancers and

    musicians? Please describe. _________________________________________

    Did you notice any school or age factors that influence the dancers? Please describe.


  16. What are some observable traits about this community being viewed?



    Do they value tradition? ______ Creativity? _______ Family?_______

    Children? ____________ Elders?________________

  17. Do participants seem to welcome outsiders, or are they a "closed" community?


  18. Do you notice anything else about this performance or video clip? If so, please describe.



    Think About It!

    What are some factors that might influence how these community members move?

    Did they grow up learning how to move in the same way?

    How does the setting affect the movements?

    Write your conclusions on another sheet of paper.



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