Unit III Discovering the Obvious
Lesson 3 The Family, Activity 3 Family Treasures

Treasure Presentation Rubric


Name of Treasure:_______________________________________________________

Task: You are a folk culture researcher who has been directed to explore and explain the context of a family treasure or Louisiana treasure found online or in community fieldwork and present your research as an exhibit, multimedia slide show, or oral presentation. You must share your findings with classmates, other students, and/or parents.

You will be assessed on your ability to draw inferences from the object and categorize it.

Performance Element
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
  • Independently identifies and describes the social, geographic, religious, and historical factors that have affected the object.
  • Identifies some of the factors related to the object; formulates ideas with assistance.
  • Relies upon someone else to identify factors; still uncertain about purpose of assignment.
Problem Solving
  • Uses inference skills, life experiences, prior knowledge, and relevant available information to explain the object.
  • Beginning to use inference skills, life experiences, prior knowledge, and relevant available information to explain the object.
  • Inferences have not been formulated; does not use prior knowledge and life experiences.
Interpreting and Evaluating Information
  • Interprets, evaluates, and organizes information around major elements; draws inferences; compares and contrasts ideas and assumptions.
  • Is beginning to interpret, evaluate, or organize information around major elements; withholds immediate judgment.
  • Has no organizational plan or structure; information has not been interpreted or evaluated; jumps to conclusions without comparing and contrasting ideas or assumptions.
Disseminating Information
  • Creates a presentation and/or product that illustrates insights from multiple perspectives; explains social customs and cultural practices.
  • Creates a presentation and/or product that offers some personal insights; offers no reference to social customs and cultural practices.
  • Creates a presentation and/or product that is based primarily upon the ideas of others.


Audience Feedback
The audience evaluates the student's presentations according to how clearly the student can support his/her inferences and conclusions and categorize them into cultural contexts. The Louisiana Content Standards that this assignment meets are listed below to help audience members evaluate the student's work.

Feedback Statements

Louisiana Content Standards

CL-1-D4 Identifying and describing social, geographic, and historical factors that impact cultural practices. (3, 4)

ELA-4-M1 Speaking intelligibly, using standard English pronunciation and diction. (1, 4)

ELA-4-M3 Using the features of speaking (e.g., audience analysis, message construction, delivery, interpretation of feedback) when giving rehearsed and unrehearsed presentations. (1, 2, 4)

ELA-4-M4 speaking and listening for a variety of audiences (e.g., classroom, real-life, workplace) and purposes (e.g., awareness, concentration, enjoyment, information, problem solving). (1,2,4,5)

ELA-4-E5 Speaking and listening for a variety of audiences (e.g., classroom, real-life, workplace) and purposes (e.g., awareness, concentration, enjoyment, information, problem solving). (1, 2, 4, 5)

ELA-7-M2 Problem solving by using reasoning skills, life experiences, accumulated knowledge, and relevant available information. (1, 2, 4)

CL-1-D7 Identifying social customs related to religion, family life, folklore, and holidays. (3, 4, 5)

H-1A-E2 Recognizing that people in different times and places view the world differently. (1, 3, 4)



Rubric created with "The Rubricator" software package by Strategic Learning Technologies, used with permission, <http://www.rubrics.com> 888/881-7979.


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