Unit III Discovering the Obvious: Our Lives as "The Folk"
Find resources helpful for
Unit III lessons below. More resources may be found online in the and Louisiana
Folklife Bibliography.
- Blatt, Gloria T., ed.
Once Upon a Folktale: Capturing the Folklore Process with Children.
Twelve authors share their use of folklore in elementary and middle
school classrooms. Includes suggestions for drawing on students family
and community folklore and explores the darker side of some folklore
such as inherent racism and nationalism.
Bowman, Paddy and Marsha Weiner. Bullfrog Jumped Children's Folksongs Learning Guide Alabama Folklife Association, 2007. This online guide includes audio clips of children's songs recorded in 1947, some of which are still familiar to children.
- Bronner, Simon.
American Children's Folklore. August House, 1988. This compendium of children's culture provides lots of examples from innocent rhymes to parodies and is useful as a teacher resource.
- Cantú, Norma, Canícula:
Snapshots of a Girlhood en la Frontera, University of New Mexico
Press, 1995. A folklorist and English professor, the author uses family
photos as starting points for writing family stories.
- Culin, Stewart. Games
of North American Indians. Desriptions and drawings of over a
thousand games.
- de Caro, Frank.
Folklife in Louisiana Photography: Images of Tradition. LSU
Press, 1990. Louisiana public libraries may have this fine
- Doucet, Michael. Le Hoogie
Boogie. Rounder/Polygram, 1995. Cajun and zydeco music by Beausoleil
for children with French and English lyrics. Book includes chord
symbols, simple dance directions, and activities for each song.
Ellefson, Connie. Melting Pot Book of Baby Names. Betterway Publications, 1995.
- Hufford, Mary.
Commonwealth of Cultures. American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, 1991.
Good essay on folklore and the work of folklorists.
- Jones, Bessie and Bess
Lomax Hawes. Step It Down. University of Georgia Press, 1987. This classic collection of African American children's folklore for teachers and K-8 has an accompanying CD.
- Lindahl, Carl, Maida
Owens, and C. Renée Harvison, eds. Swapping Stories: Folktales from
Louisiana. University Press of
Mississippi in
association with Louisiana Division of the Arts, 1997. Some
stories are online.
- Knapp, Mary and Herbert.
One Potato, Two Potato: The Secret Education of American
Children. Norton, 1976. The authors analyze and categorize their
wide-ranging collection of children's lore in a good teacher
- Library of Congress.
Folklife and
Fieldwork: A Layman's Introduction to Field
Techniques. American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, 2002. This basic, accessible guide to developing collection projects with sample forms is available online in English and Spanish. .
- MacDowell, Marsha.
Folk Arts in Education: A Resource Handbook II. Michigan State University Museum, 2008. Order or download at www.folkartsineducation.org
- Morton, Laura E., ed. "Toys, Games,
and Play in Louisiana and the Southeast," a special edition of
Louisiana Folklife Journal, Vol. XVIII, 1994. Available from
Folklife Center, Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, LA.
- Opie, Iona and Peter.
The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren. Oxford University Press,
1969. The classic collectors offer many examples of comparative research
of English and American children's lore as a teacher
- Owens, Maida and Pat
Mire. Swapping Stories: Folktales from Louisiana. Louisiana
Public Broadcasting, 1998. Companion 30-minute video and website to the publication.
Samuelson, Paula, et al.
Baby Names for the New Century. Harper, 1994.
- Seeger, Mike and Peggy. American
Folk Songs for Children. Rounder Records 1997 reissue, B0000003EU. A
hundred tracks on two CDs offer children lots of sad, happy, and funny
- Martha C. Sims and Martine Stephens. Living Folklore: An Introduction to the Study of People and their Traditions. Utah State University Press, 2005.
- Simons, Elizabeth.
Student Worlds, Student Words: Teaching Writing Through Folklore.
Heinemann, 1990. A teacher and folklorist, Simons offers background and
detailed lesson plans for writing and folklore studies, including games
and play, family folklore. Invaluable resource for all disciplines and
grade levels. Out of print but used copies are sometimes available.
- Stone, Elizabeth.
Black Sheep and Kissing Cousins: How Our Family Stories Shape Us.
Penguin Books, 1989. Great supplement for teachers directing family
folklore units.
- Sunstein, Bonnie and Elizabeth Chiseri-Strater. FieldWorking: Reading and Writing Research. Prentice Hall, 2002. This teacher resource provides exercises to deepen students' fieldwork, observation, and writing skills.
- Sutton-Smith, Brian.
The Folkgames of Children. University of Texas Press, 1972. A
major collector of children's lore examines games and changes in games
over the years.
- Toelken, Barre. The
Dynamics of Folklore. Utah State University Press, 1996. A good
general college text useful for teachers and older students.
Touchstone, Samuel J.
Yesterday's Toys and Games. Folklife Books, 1994.
Wagler, Mark, Ruth Olson, and Anne Pryor. The Kids' Guide to Local Culture and The Teacher's Guide to Local Culture, Madison Children's Museum. 2004. Available as PDFs online, these practical guides provide simple yet compelling fieldwork strategies for young people to document their families, neighborhoods, and communities. Instantly accessible for students and their teachers.
- Weitzman, David, My
Backyard History Book. Little, Brown, and Co., 1975. Learning
history begins at home.
- Winston, Linda.
Keepsakes: Using Family Stories in Elementary Classrooms. Heinemann, 1997. Offers
ways to use stories to create classroom community and involve parents.
- Wolfman, Ira. Do
People Grow on Family Trees? Workman, 1991. Child-friendly resource
on family names, photos, genealogy.
- Zeitlin, Steve, et al.
A Celebration of American Family Folklore. Pantheon, 1982. A full
selection of family stories, customs, and photos for K-12 teachers to
help students start family writing, oral history, and folklore
collection projects.
Unit III Outline