Unit II Classroom Applications of Fieldwork Basics
Lesson 2 The Practice Interview


Fact-Based, Open-Ended, and Follow-Up Questions Worksheet

Name _____________________________   Date __________________________

PART 1:Classifying Questions

Label each question below in the blank provided. For Fact-Based questions, write "FB;" for Open-Ended questions, write "OE;" and for Follow-Up questions, write "FQ."


Fact-Based Question: calls for single facts as responses

Open-Ended Question: asks the interviewees to explain details in their response

Follow-up Question: questions that arise during the interview

_____1. What is a typical morning like for you?

_____2. When were you born?

_____3. You said earlier that you were named after your aunt and that you like her very much.

Can you tell me more about why you like her so much?

_____4. Would you tell me about your memories of sitting on a porch with your grandmother?

_____5. What is your address and phone number?


PART 2: Listening for Follow-Up Questions

For each statement below, write two Follow-up questions in the spaces provided. Write "FB" next to Fact-Based questions and "OE" next to Open-Ended questions.

1. I was named after my Uncle George.

FQ#1: _______________________________________________________________

FQ#2: ______________________________________________________________


2. My favorite food is gumbo.

FQ#1: _______________________________________________________________

FQ#2: ________________________________________________________________


3. My family drinks only Community Coffee.

FQ#1: ________________________________________________________________

FQ#2: ________________________________________________________________


4. One thing I'll always want to keep is the baby bracelet I got when I was born.

FQ#1: _______________________________________________________________

FQ#2: _______________________________________________________________


5. My uncle is teaching me how to carve ducks out of wood.

FQ#1: ________________________________________________________________

FQ#2: _________________________________________________________________



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