I Defining Terms
Find resources helpful for
Unit I lessons below. Specific resources are also listed in individual
lessons. More resources may be found in the Louisiana Folklife Bibliography.
Brunvand, Jan Harold, ed. American Folklore: An
Encyclopedia. Garland Press, 1996. This volume provides definitions
and background on many aspects of contemporary folklore scholarship
helpful to teachers and older students.
- Brunvand, Jan Harold.
The Study of American Folklore: An Introduction. W.W. Norton,
- Dorson, Richard M.
Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction. University of Chicago Press,
- McCormick, Charles and Kim Kennedy White. Folklore: An Encyclopedia of Beliefs, Customs, Tales, Music, and Art. ABC-CLIO, 2010. 2nd ed. This reference text provides a cross-cultural survey of the major types and methods of inquiry in folklore.
- Lindahl, Carl, Maida
Owens, and C. Renée Harvison, eds. Swapping Stories: Folktales from
Louisiana. University Press of Mississippi in
association with Louisiana Division of the Arts, 1997. Owens' overview
of Louisiana traditional cultures and Lindahl's introduction to the
state's oral traditions provide good background for studying the state's
folklife. Some stories are online.
- Oring, Elliott. Folk
Groups and Folklore Genres: An Introduction. Utah State University
Press, 1986.
- Simons, Elizabeth. Student Worlds, Student Words: Teaching Writing Through Folklore. Heinemann, 1990. A teacher and folklorist, Simons offers background and detailed lesson plans for writing and folklore studies, including naming, games and play, and family folklore. Out of print but used copies are sometimes available.
- Spitzer, Nicholas R. Louisiana Folklife: A Guide to the State. Louisiana Office of Cultural Development, 1985.
- Toelken, Barre. The
Dynamics of Folklore. Revised edition, Utah State University Press,
Unit I Outline