"Bull Talk," #94
Stories Jimmie H. Davis
Recorded July 7, 1990, by Monty Brown at Jonesboro's
Kraft Paper Festival of the South from a former governor of Louisiana,
Jimmie H. Davis. Davis is a native of Jonesboro but resides in Baton
Rouge. He was twice governor of Louisiana, once in the 1940s and again in
the early 1960s; however, Davis's fame is not linked simply to politics.
To outsiders, he's probably better known for the widely popular song, "You
Are My Sunshine." He also appeared in movies, most notably Louisiana, in
which he had the leading role, and Mississippi Gambler.
Davis: This is kind of new to me. I don't know if they want
me to tell lies or what.
Monty Brown: Anything you want to tell.
Gov. Davis: Oh, I don't want to tell lies! (Audience laughs.)
That reminds me; a few years ago, I was up on an engagement in North
Carolina. And it's about fifty miles from where a good friend of mine
lives. He used to hold office here in this state. But he went up there,
since his boy was there; he's a judge.
I went over there, and he said, "I'm glad you're here." Said, "They're
having a fair here in town. Let's ride around a little bit." And he said,
"Oh yeah, the teenagers are having a lying contest. And the one who tell
the biggest lie gets an eighteen-month-old, white-faced, registered
Hereford bull."
I said, "Let's go by there and hear them."
Went by there, he introduced me, they said, "Gov. Davis, we know you
are not a teenager, and you're a visitor here. So we'll just put you in on
this too. You can tell, and if you tell the biggest lie, then you can win
the bull, too."
I said, "That's great." And I said, "This is kind of tough for me,
though. I've never been to something like this. In the fact of the
business, down there where I came from in Louisiana, people don't tell
He said, "Governor Davis, you just won the bull!" (Audience claps and
Notes: For more information about this and related tales,
refer to the book Swapping Stories: Folktales from Louisiana,
published by University Press of Mississippi.
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